The "Architecture in Film" seminar took place in the run up to the exhibition under the direction of Jan Schütte, Director of the Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), and in collaboration with the curators, Matthias Sauerbruch and Wilfried Wang. Fifteen films were made about different cultural buildings worldwide, exploring the function and consequences of the architecture and the buildings on local people. The films can be see in the exhibition, and in a dedicated Movie Special on 16th March at 8pm.
After Hours (Berghain), Director: Steffen Köhn,
Cinematographer: Phillip Kaminiak
Centre Pompidou Mobile, Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Theo Solnik
Detroit Soup, Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Theo Solnik
Dinosaubär (Radialsystem V), Director: IJ. Biermann
Dos gorras y una casa (Parque Biblioteca España),
Director/Editor: Youdid Kahveci, Cinematographer: Carlos Andrés López Tobón
Grimm (Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum), Director/Editor: Günther Franke,
Cinematographer: Philipp Baben der Erde, Script: Josa Sesink
Guangzhou, Director: Simona Feldman
Gunzenhauser, Director/Editor: Hendrik Reichel, Cinematographer: Markus Koop
Inner-City Arts, Director: Christin Freitag and Hanna Mayser,
Cinematographer/Editor: Hanna Mayser
Modern Times (Zeche Zollverein),
Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Cyril Schäublin
Palais de Tokyo, Director: Rudolf Domke
Plaza de la Encarnacíon (Metropol Parasol, Sevilla),
Director/Cinematographer: Polina Gumiela
Public Library (Seattle Central Library),
Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Cyril Schäublin and Valentin Merz
Rejoice (Tate Modern), Director/Editor: Julia Langhof,
Cinematographer/Editor: Michal Grabowski
The Astronaut’s Ark (Kunsthaus Graz), Director/Editor: Fiene Scharp,
Kai Miedendorp und IJ. Biermann, Cinematographer: Kai Miedendorp

Production Management
Barbara Linke


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• Dos gorras y una casa (Parque Biblioteca España)
• Detroit Soup
• Grimm (Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum)
• Rejoice (Tate Modern)
• Modern Times (Zeche Zollverein)