23 October 2019

Disintegration and Empathy
On Jewish Identities and Reactions to Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia
Academy Dialogue with Max Czollek, Anna Schapiro
and Jeanine Meerapfel

Wednesday, 30 October, 8 pm
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
>> Press tickets at presse@adk.de, Tel. 030 200 57-1514

In her Akademie-Dialog series, Akademie President Jeanine Meerapfel talks with author Max Czollek and visual artist Anna Schapiro about flexible Jewish identities, hybrid realities and self-empowerment. How can we break through social classifications? And how can we shape a pluralistic society – a society which doesn't have to rely on “the other” as a counterpoint to feel sure of itself?

The danger posed by right-wing attacks is a concrete one – the anti-Semitic attack on the Jewish community in Halle must not be allowed to repeat itself. What are politicians doing to combat right-wing terrorism? How do those working in arts and culture position themselves against anti-Semitism and xenophobia? What does the threat mean for the individual?

Max Czollek (born 1987 in Berlin) is a lyricist, essayist, curator and member of the Poetry Collective G13. He completed his doctorate at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin. His polemic pamphlet Desintegriert Euch! (“De-Integrate Yourselves!”) was published in 2018 by Hanser, and Grenzwerte (“Threshold Values”), a collection of poems, was published in 2019 by Verlagshaus Berlin.

Anna Schapiro (born 1988 in Moscow) studied Fine Arts under Ulrike Grossarth in Dresden, as well as Jewish Studies in Stockholm. She has displayed her work at the Kunsthaus Dresden, in the Wroclaw Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum Vilha Vela in Villa Real, Portugal as well as in GFLK Halle Süd, Tölz, among other places. She is a member of the Ministerium für Mitgefühl (“Ministry of Compassion”).

Max Czollek and Anna Schapiro are co-editors of the magazine Jalta – Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart (“Yalta - Positions on the Jewish Present”).

Jeanine Meerapfel (born 1943 in Buenos Aires) worked as a journalist in Argentina before studying from 1964 to 1968 at the Institute for Film at the Ulm School of Design. The director and screenwriter has produced numerous award-winning documentaries and feature films. In her 1981 documentary film Im Land meiner Eltern (“In the Land of My Parents”), she examines what it means to live in Germany as a Jew. Her 2012 feature film Der deutsche Freund (“The German Friend”) is about the encounter between Jewish refugees from Europe and Nazis in Buenos Aires. In 2015 she was elected President of the Akademie der Künste. She was re-elected in May 2018.

Event information
Disintegration and Empathy
On Jewish Identities and Reactions to Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia
Academy Dialogue with Max Czollek, Anna Schapiro and Jeanine Meerapfel
Wednesday, 30 October, 8 pm
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
In German
Admission € 6/4
Tickets: 030 200 57-1000 or ticket@adk.de
Tickets available in the Webshop: www.adk.de/tickets