Studierende des Masterstudiengangs Sound Studies and Sonic Arts der Universität der Künste Berlin
A Change of Scenery (2019) (UA)

A Change of Scenery präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Seminars „Public Intervention with Sound“ unter der Leitung von Daiksuke Ishida an der Universität der Künste Berlin. Das Projekt geht über die klassische Konzertsituation hinaus und richtet seinen Fokus durch die präsentierten Arbeiten auf das Publikum selbst. Jeder Student beschäftigt sich mit Themen wie Perspektiven des Zuhörens, Überwindung von Kommunikationsbarrieren, Geschichte der Verfolgung von Homosexualität, Privatsphäre in unserer Technologiegesellschaft oder Wirksamkeit von Klang als Nachbarschaftsmediator.

Mit Samuel Perea-Díaz, Taiga Trigo, Martin Moolhuijsen, Haku Sungho, Philip Liu, Kim Wichera.

Samuel Perea-Díaz (ES)

Konvexspiegel, Tonaufnahmen, Lautsprecher

Reflecting on the borders of control, casual encounters are considered as a space of privilege. This site-specific installation highlights an ordinary noisy hearing situation of ventilation bass frequencies. Hidden vibrational sounds stage and refer to an actual fact of our recent past, the surveillance of public lavatories in Hamburg in order to deter sexual encounters in men's toilets.

Samuel Perea-Díaz

Taiga Trigo (PT)
Space for Sound

Styropor, Draht, weißes Klebeband

What happens when we claim a space for sound? If we do it visually, publicly and without adding any sound to the space itself? Is the permission for sound context specific? Will the sight of ears up against a building also transform our perception? Or how we perform the act of listening? Will the allowed sounds change in value? When a space is offered, is it occupied, used? Will more sounds be added to it? This soundless sound piece is inquisitive in nature.

Taiga Trigo

Martin Moolhuijsen (IT)
Two or more points of time seamlessly unfolding in space

Holz, Lautsprecher, Sinuswellen

This is a sound installation that addresses time and perception. On each day of the exhibition a different piece based on sine waves is presented. The pieces are continuously changing, but they develop at a rate which is almost too slow to be perceived. Visitors are invited to abandon the space of the installation and come back (in) another time.

Martin Moolhuijsen

Haku Sungho (KR/JP)
The Boundary Mixer

“Rekuhkara” is a form of throat-singing that Sakhalin Ainu conducted until 1976. Two women stand facing each other. The “giver” sends her voice through a tube made of their hands and it is modulated by the “receiver”' changing her hands and oral cavity. This is special in that the different voices emerge through another body; namely, the border between players is obscured and appears as another existence.

Haku Sungho

Philip Liu (KR/US)
Binary Echoes

WLAN-Router, LEDs, Mikrofone, Mikrocomputer

Binary Echoes is about the phenomenon called echo, but not in the frequency range we can normally perceive, rather in the frequency range used for WIFI signals. Conversations or other pitched sounds happening around the device are expected to be converted to texts, and then will be propagated as WIFI names. Audiences will see the text on the WIFI list, and then the sound can be reconstructed in their heads.

Philip Liu

Kim Wichera (DE)
Switched Off

Holz, Elektronik, iPad, Kopfhörer

To play the instrument at least two people have to touch separate points on the table and each other. The instrument was placed at the subway station Hansaplatz. The homeless people living at Hansaplatz played the instrument and performed with by-passers. At the AdK the instrument is taken out of its original context. It's not producing sound anymore but showing the performance on an iPad. The table was built by Kerrin Bosholm.

Kim Wichera