Nana Adusei-Poku

Nana Adusei-Poku is an independent scholar, curator, writer and educator as well as Guest Lecturer in the Department Art and Media at the University of the Arts, Zurich. She was Research Professor for Visual Cultures 2015-17 and for Cultural Diversity from 2013-14 at the Hogeschool Rotterdam with affiliation to the Piet Zwart Institute and Willem de Kooning Academy. She received her PhD from Humboldt University Berlin, following degrees in African and gender studies at Humboldt University, and in media and communications at Goldsmiths College London. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Ghana, Legon; the London School of Economics; and Columbia University, New York. She also co-curated the exhibition NO HUMANS INVOLVED at Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art Rotterdam. Publications include i.e. "Post-Post-Black?" in Nka-Journal for Contemporary African Art, and most recently "On Being Present Where You Wish to Disappear", which questions the notion of nothingness, universality, and whiteness common in the contemporary art world.