David meets Goliath?
On the copyright reform

Panel Discussion

When artists sign contracts, they face negotiators from publishers, broadcaster or agencies. This imbalance is usually only too evident in the conditions. A copyright law amendment aims at strengthening writers and artists’ rights, a move leaving publishers uneasy. The panel comprises Matthias Schmid (Federal Ministry of Justice), Kathrin Röggla (author), Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel (Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer), and Christian Sprang (Börsenverein). Presenter: Jörg Plath.

In cooperation with Deutschlandradio Kultur. 

Monday, 23 May 2016

8 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Panel discussion with Matthias Schmid, Kathrin Röggla, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel, Christian Sprang.
Moderation: Jörg Plath.
Free admission
In German language