Unfinished – Pabellón español, XV Bienal arquitectura de Venecia


Symposium to the exhibition "Unfinished"

The exhibition and the half-day symposium will explore the constraining frameworks for practice, particularly from the point of view of the next generation, and how it is still possible to realize excellent design in the face of crisis and change.

Producers and co-organizers: Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Fomento y Acción Cultural Española.

Welcome: Francisco Mangado, Carlos Quintans, Wilfried Wang (Moderator)

Six presentations; from Spain: Bosch. Capdeferro, Girona, TeD'A Arquitectes, Palma de Mallorca, and Juan Domingo Santos/Carmen Moreno, Granada; from Berlin: Jan Schombara, Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge, and Sohrab Zafari. Final discussion with the architects and the moderators, afterwards reception on the roof terrace.

Saturday, 10 Feb 2018

3 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Symposium to the exhibition "Unfinished"

3 – 8 pm

In English


Tel.: (030) 200 57-1000
E-Mail: ticket@adk.de