Brecht and his people

Guided Tour

The Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof (Dorotheenstadt Cemetery) is one of the most famous cemeteries in Berlin – not least because Brecht’s last resting place is here. But many of his comrades-in-arms are also laid to rest here; many whom he shaped, promoted and inspired or who supported him. If one were to draw threads between the graves, a densely interwoven web would emerge. The tour aims to trace these lines, references and influences.

The Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof first came into the limelight with the burial of Johann Gottlieb Fichte about 200 years ago. With the subsequent burial of Karl Friedrich Schinkel and later Bertolt Brecht, it became an attractive resting place for personalities from intellectual life. The Brecht-Weigel Museum offers thematic guided tours of the cemetery every Wednesday at 2 pm. The meeting point is the courtyard of the Brecht-Weigel-Museum at Chausseestraße 125 in Berlin-Mitte.

In cooperation with Ev. Friedhofsverband Berlin Stadtmitte

Wednesday, 1 Nov 2023

2 pm

Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Cemetery tour

Meeting point in the courtyard of the Brecht House 


In German

€ 6/4

Further information
