Art and Exile. The Archives of the Akademie der Künste Days of Exile

Guided Tours, Presentations, Talks

“But we did not emigrate of our own free will.” In a poem written in exile by Bertolt Brecht, persecution and farewell, speechlessness and placelessness are defining themes. The Akademie der Künste houses one of the largest exile archives on art and literature in the German-speaking world. The archives open their doors at every location and provide insights into the estates of artists who had to go into exile between 1933 and 1945.

The event will take place at the Archive of the Academy of Arts, the Baukunstarchiv, the Walter Benjamin Archive, and the Bertolt Brecht Archive at the Brecht-Weigel Museum.

Part of “Days of Exile”

Friday, 6 Oct 2023

1 pm – 5 pm

Akademie der Künste Archive locations

Robert-Koch-Platz 10, 10115 Berlin
Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
Luisenstraße 60, 10117 Berlin
Chausseestr. 125, 10115 Berlin

In German

Free admission, limited number of participants

Further information

Days of Exile