Akademie Discussions / Akademie Dialogues

Akademie Discussions 2015 – 2024

From 2015 to 2024, the then Akademie President Jeanine Meerapfel was responsible for the series of discussions on artistic, political and cultural-political themes. In a total of 24 events, she questioned artists, politicians, scholars and journalists about current events and how to tackle them. Topics included the political situation for artists in various countries around the world, the catchwords “integration”, “community of values” and “flood of refugees”, cultural film funding, art and AI, the climate catastrophe and the Last Generation, the future of public broadcasting and the shift to the right in Germany.

The [and ...] stood for insights into the creative output of the invited artists, whose works were presented in short video clips before and after the discussions.

List of Akademie Discussions 2015 – 2024

Video recordings of Akademie Discussions

23rd Akademie Discussion
Shift to the right in Germany

10 October 2023

22nd Akademie Discussion
Culture-free zone? The future of public broadcasting

4 September 2023

21st Akademie Discussion
Climate catastrophe and Last Generation

24 April 2023

20th Akademie Discussion
Content versus Film

13 February 2023

18th Akademie Discussion
Russia and Ukraine – Artists Talk about War and Peace

5 April 2022

17th Akademie Discussion
German Film Abroad – a Laughing Stock, a Marginal Phenomenon, a Dream for the Future?

8 February 2022

16th Akademie Discussion
About Cinema Landscapes and Streaming Worlds

9 February 2021

15th Akademie Discussion
Against the Destruction of the Open Society

14 September 2020

14th Akademie Discussion
What are Film Festivals for?

12 February 2020

13th Akademie Discussion [and ...]
Art + AI: ?

18 September 2019

12th Akademie Discussion [and ...]
Funding for Art Films Now!

5 February 2019

11th Akademie Discussion
Anti-Semitism in Germany – Still, Again?

16 October 2018

10th Akademie Discussion [and ...]
Turkey of the Artists

8 March 2018

9th Akademie Discussion [and ...]
Long Live the Cinema! The Situation of Cinema in Germany

6 February 2018

8th Akademie Discussion
Europe: From the Economic Union to a Republic?

16 May 2017

7th Akademie Discussion
Wounded Europe II
The internal wounds

7 March 2017

6th Akademie Discussion
Wounded Europe I
The external wounds

5 October 2016

5th Akademie Discussion [and …]
“Heimat” today

8 June 2016

4th Akademie Discussion [and …]
What do we think? Integration, a Community of Shared Values, Streams of Refugees

1 March 2016

3rd Akademie Discussion [and ...]
Mafalda and Eternauta Save the World. The Critical Art of Argentinian Comics

11 November 2015

2nd Akademie Discussion [and …]
Cuba – quo vadis? Cuban Artists in Times of Change

5 October 2015

1st Akademie Discussion [and …]
Artists in Greece: Survival in Stormy Weather

1 September 2015

Academy Discussions 2006 – 2015

In 2006, the then Akademie President Klaus Staeck initiated a series of discussions and chaired it until 2015. In a total of 62 events, he discussed topics with guests such as changes in copyright laws, the cultural mission of the public broadcasting stations, the role of art in the social upheavals of 1968 and 1989, the design of Berlin’s Museum Island, the murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya , the power and influence of Google, the condemnation of the death penalty, the global threat of climate change, poverty in Germany, Europe’s refugee policy, and the situations of the threatened artists Ai Weiwei and Roberto Saviano.

List of Akademie Discussions 2006 – 2015

Akademie Dialogues

From 2017 to 2023, the then Akademie President Jeanine Meerapfel entered into an intensive dialogue with renowned personalities from the arts, sciences, politics or cultural policy. Afterwards, the audience was invited to contribute to this exchange on current issues. Guests included the historian and prejudice researcher Wolfgang Benz, the social scientist and author Hazel Rosenstrauch, the then Senator for Culture and Europe Klaus Lederer, the architect Wilfried Wang, the author Max Czollek, the visual artist Anna Schapiro, the author Deborah Feldman, the film director Peter Lilienthal, the rabbi Delphine Horvilleur, the sociologist Natan Sznaider and the media scientist Lea Wohl von Haselberg.

Audio and video recordings of Akademie Dialogues 2017 – 2023

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Max Czollek, Anna Schapiro and Jeanine Meerapfel
Desintegration and Empathy

30 October 2019

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Peter Lilienthal, Deborah Feldman and Jeanine Meerapfel
Unorthodox Thinking

4 September 2018

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Jeanine Meerapfel, Klaus Lederer and Wilfried Wang
Sham Palace/Seesaw/Barn

17 October 2017

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Hazel Rosenstrauch and Jeanine Meerapfel
How to Deal with Complexity

4 September 2017

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Jeanine Meerapfel, Monika Grütters and Stefan Kraus
The Future of Museums

2 May 2017

Akademie Dialogue: Discussion with Wolfgang Benz and Jeanine Meerapfel
Those Who Do Not Remember Repeat Their Mistakes

17 January 2017