junge-akademie.adk.de – The JUNGE AKADEMIE is online
With the coronavirus pandemic, digital solutions have again become more important for the production of art and culture and for the connectivity and diversity of international communities. International residency programmes such as the JUNGE AKADEMIE have been particularly affected by the necessary measures to contain the pandemic, especially border closures and travel bans.
The digital platform supports the programme and networking work of the JUNGE AKADEMIE in order to maintain and further promote the dynamics and diversity of the community and provide fellows who are currently unable to travel to Europe with prospects through virtual residencies, for example.
The digital platform is a transdisciplinary and transcultural online magazine, a space to exhibit and experiment and a digital open studio. Among others, formats such as discussions in the context of art and society, work presentations, (video) essays, stories, making-ofs, online laboratories and fictional texts are published there, thus presenting various artistic and activist voices, aesthetics and positions, collective processes and discourses in articles and digital spaces. The platform enables artists to network with each other as well as with fellows and Akademie members, and makes digital projects and the exchange of knowledge visible within the international network.
Since 2007, the JUNGE AKADEMIE, the artist-in-residence programme of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, has been supporting international artists in all of its art sections – Visual Arts, Architecture, Music, Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Media Art – with various fellowships both in Germany and abroad. Artists have the opportunity to join the exchange with Akademie members and partners, to participate in current discourses, to research the Akademie’s archive holdings and to develop artistic projects.
The platform was developed and realised with the kind support of The Gesellschaft der Freunde der Akademie der Künste.