The Berlin Calligraphy Collection

Hans-Joachim Burgert, Sag doch, wird es denn heute nicht Tag? ..., Calligraphy

Sophie Verbeek, Calligraphy, Calligraphy

Friedrich Poppl, Der Mensch weiß erst dann ..., Calligraphy

The Berlin Calligraphy Collection was founded in 1999 at the initiative of Hans-Joachim Burgert, one of the world's leading calligraphers. The holdings focus on contemporary calligraphy over the last 40 to 50 years. Locating the Calligraphy Collection within the library organisation brings together all aspects of printing, book art and manuscripts under one roof.
The Collection includes calligraphy, prints, reproductions, typographical clean copies, posters and poster designs, book covers, artists' books and information and archive materials. Focusing on the Latin script particularly, the Collection was established from permanent loans and donations. Curated by a group of renowned calligraphers, it is constantly being expanded.
More details available in English and German online at Im Zaubergarten der Schrift. The Berlin Calligraphy Collection, a webpage launched for the Akademie der Künste exhibition in 2008.

The Archives Database includes approx. 1,780 entries on calligraphers and specialist terms. Specialist literature on calligraphy can also be researched in the OPAC electronic library catalogue .