Bildende Kunst – Mitglieder

Tacita Dean
Bildende Künstlerin (Film, Fotografie, Malerei, Zeichnungen, Klanginstallationen, visuelle Erzählungen)
Am 12. November 1965 in Canterbury/Kent/Großbritannien geboren, lebt in Berlin.
Seit 2007
Mitglied der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Sektion Bildende Kunst.
1985-1988 Studium an der Falmouth School of Art, Cornwall/Großbritannien.
1989-1990 Stipendium an der Kunstakademie Athen.
1990-1992 Studium an der Slade School of Fine Arts, London.
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl):
1994 The Martyrdom of St. Agatha and Other Stories, Galerija Skuc, Lubljana, und Umetnostna Galerija, Maribor, Slowenien
1995 Frith Street Gallery, London (auch 1997, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016)
1995 A Bag of Air, Ecole Nationale de Beaux Art, Bourges, Frankreich
1996 Foley Artist, ART NOW, Tate Gallery, London
1997 Missing Narratives, Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam
1997 The Roaring: Seven Boards in Seven Days, The Drawing Center, New York
1997 Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris (auch 1999, 2000, 2001)
1998 ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA; weitere Stationen in den USA
1999 The Sea, With a Ship; Afterwards an Island, Sadler's Wells, London, und Dundee Contemporary Arts, Schottland
1999 Banewl, Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance, Cornwall
1999 Friday/Saturday, North Meadows Project, Millennium Dome, London
2000 Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel
2000 Baniel, Berkeley Art Museum, CA, USA
2000 Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Kanada
2000 Marian Goodman Gallery, New York (auch 2003, 2013, 2016)
2001 MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
2001 Recent Films and Other Works, Tate Britain, London
2001 Under/Above, International Biennial, Melbourne
2001 DAAD Galerie, Berlin
2002 The Russian Ending, Peter Blum Gallery, New York
2002 Kunstverein Düsseldorf
2003 Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
2004 Museum of Modern Art, Lubljana
2004 Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italien
2004 Boots, Royal Institute of British Architects, London
2004 De Pont Foundation, Tilberg, Niederlande
2004 Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver
2005 Berlin Works, Tate, Saint Ives, Großbritannien
2006 Analogue: Films, Photographs, Drawings 1991-1996, 2006 Schaulager, Basel (mit Francis Alÿs)
2006 Human Treasure, Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan
2006 The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo
2007 Guggenheim Museum, New York
2007 Wandermüde, Frith Street Gallery und Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin
2008 Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York
2008/2009 Villa Oppenheim Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin
2009 Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
2009 Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Mailand, Italien
2010 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia/Abadia de Santo
Domingo de Silos, Spanien
2011 Tate Modern, London
2011 Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig – MUMOK, Wien
2011 Centre Pompidou, Paris
2012 New Museum, New York
2012 Norton Museum, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
2013 Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
2013 Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
2013 Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro
2013 Botin Foundation, Santander, Spanien
2013 Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
2014 Albright-Knox Gallery, New York
2014 Statens Museum for Kunst, Kopenhagen
2014 Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
2016 Espace Louis Vuitton, München
2016 Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico
2018 Kunsthaus Bregenz, Österreich
2018 The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
2018 Royal Academy of Arts, London
2018 National Portrait Gallery, London
2018 The National Gallery, London
2018 Centre Pompidou, Paris
2018 Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Davis, CA, USA
2019 Serralves Museum, Porto, Portugal
Zahlreiche Ausstellungsbeteiligungen im In- und Ausland.
Literatur (Auswahl):
Tacita Dean. London 2006
Tacita Dean, Analogue: Films, Photographs, Drawings 1991-2006. Hg. Schaulager Basel,
Göttingen 2006
Tacita Dean, Film Works. Hg. Rina Carvajal, Miami Art Central, Miami 2008
1992 The Story of Beard, 16 mm, 8 Min.
1994 The Martyrdom of St. Agatha, 16 mm, 14 Min.
1995 How to Put a Boat in a Bottle, Video, 18 Min.
1995 Bag of Air, 16 mm, 3 Min.
1996 Disappearance at Sea, 16 mm, 14 Min.
1996 Delft Hydraulics, 16 mm, 3 Min.
1997 Disappearance at Sea II, 16 mm, 4 Min.
1997 The Structure of Ice, 16 mm, 3 Min.
1998 Gellért, 16 mm, 6 Min.
1999 Bubble House, 16 mm, 7 Min.
1999 Sound Mirrors, 16 mm, 7 Min.
1999 From Columbus, Ohio, to the Partially Buried Woodshed, super 8, 7 Min.
1999 Banewl, 16 mm, 63 Min.
2000 Teignmouth Electron, 16 mm, 7 Min.
2000 Totality, 16 mm, 11 Min.
2001 Fernsehturm, 16 mm, 44 Min.
2002 Diamond Ring, 16 mm, 6 Min.
2002 Mario Merz, 16 mm, 8 Min.
2003 Pie, 16 mm, 7 Min.
2003 Boots, 16 mm, 20 Min.
2004 The Uncles, 16 mm, 77 Min.
2005 Presentation Sisters, 16 mm, 60 Min.
2006 Kodak, 16 mm, 44 Min.
2006 Noir et Blanc, 4 Min.
2007 Darmstädter Werkblock, 16mm, 18 Min.
2007 Michael Hamburger, 16mm, 28 Min.
2008 Prisoner Pair, 16mm, 11 Min.
2008 Merce Cunningham performs STILLNESS (in three movements) to John Cage's composition 4'33" with Trevor Carlson, New York City, 28 April 2007, 6 x 16mm
2008 Amadeus, 16mm, 50 Min.
2009 Day for Night, 16mm, 10 Min.
2009 Still Life, 16mm, 5 Min.
2009 Craneway Event, 16mm, 108 Min.
2010 The Friar's Doodle, 16mm, 13 Min.
2011 Manhattan Mouse Museum, 16mm, 16 Min.
2011 Gdgda, zwei 16mm Filme, 4 und 3 Min.
2011 Edwin Parker, 16mm, 29 Min.
2012 JG, 35mm, 26 Min.
2014 Buon Fresco, 16mm, 33 Min.
2014 10 to the 21: Target Area Petawatt, 16mm, 4 Min.
2014 10 to the 21: Nanospoke, 16mm, s/w, 2 Min.
2015 Event for a Stage, 16mm, 50 Min.
2016 Portraits, 16mm, 16 Min.
2016 Purple Steering Wheel, 16mm, 3 Min.
2017 Ideas for Sculpture in a Setting (diptych), zwei 16mm Filme, 10 und 7 Min.
2017 His Picture in Little, 35mm, 15 Min.
2017 Providence, 35mm, 5 Min.
2017 A Muse, 35mm, 2 Min.
2017 Ear on a Worm³, 16mm, 3 Min.
2017 Ear on a Worm, 16mm, 3 Min.
2018 Antigone, zwei 35mm Filme, 60 Min.
2018 Squirrel on a Wire, 16mm, 3 Min.
1992 New Contemporaries Award, London
1994 und 2004 Barclay's Young Artist Award, London
1998 Nominierung für den Turner-Preis, Tate Gallery, London
Aachner Künstlerpreis, Aachen
1999 Artist in Residence, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, USA
2000 DAAD-Stipendium, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Berlin
2004 Regione Piemonte Art Prize
2005 The Sixth Bennesse Preis, 50. Biennale Venedig
2006 Hugo-Boss-Preis, Guggenheim Museum, New York
2008 Kurt-Schwitters-Preis der niedersächsischen Sparkassenstiftung
2008 Mitglied der Royal Academy of Arts, London
2013 Officer of the Order of the British Empire
2019 Commander of the Order of the British Empire
2019 KODAK 3rd Annual Film Award (Visual Artist Award)
2019 Cherry Kearton Medal and Award, Royal Geographical Society